My inspiration for writing a true accuont of my life as an adopted individual can be distilled into one
simple word—hope. Woven into my story is the hope of fostering awareness of the civil rights of
adoptees and promoting reform in the current laws pertaining to adoptee records.
I was born in the state of New Jersey and was surrendered by my birth mother to a Catholic
adoption agency. At ten days old, I was placed into the home of my adoptive family. My parents
told me at a very early age about my adoption status, however, no further knowledge about my
origins were divulged. I was simply told there were other parents, and yet, at the same time, was
expected to pretend they didn't matter anymore—they didn't exist.
After years of silenced questions, I searched in order to uncover my origins against walls of
opposition from my family, society and the reality of closed adoption records in New Jersey. The Sound of Hope is my story.
“The day I realized I had two mothers, I was cut in half. One mother had had me in her belly and brought me to the special nursery, while this mother I called Mommy took me home from the nursery to live. One half of myself resided here with my family, and the other half was lost, lost to a shadowy woman floating somewhere out there in the world… You see, I’m adopted.”
Barnes & Noble’s Special Collections, “Catch A Rising Star”, a page dedicated to finding Up-And-Coming Authors.
"...Her story is unforgettable." -Kathleen Daley for the Star-Ledger
"Bauer’s yearning to understand her past the journey of her search and the resulting complexities make for captivating storytelling..... Bauer is able to make a personal narrative feel like a universal truth." ForeWord Review